Flexiload Software Server
Fully automated and 100% secure online flexiload sotware and mobile banking management system.

Flexiload Software’s main features
Our auto flexiload software server holds many features. Among all the features some main features are given below:
100% Secured
Flexiload Software billing has three levels of security. Customers can secure the security of their ID using PIN verification, OTP and Google authentication. Moreover, having a device and IP block will protect the hacker from being hacked.
Money Back Guarantee
We give 30 days money-back guarantee. If our service does not work properly or you wish to cancel the order, we refund the full price.
24/7 Support
We provide customer support 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You can easily get support via live chat, facebook messenger, email, skype and phone.
What is Flexiload Software?
Flexiload Software is one of the most emerging and advanced recharge system. It supports all mobile phone operators’ recharge/topup/mobile balance. Such as Grameenphone, Robi, Banglalink, Airtel, Teletalk, etc., And also supports bKash, Rocket or any other mobile banking services.
We are providing this most updated software (eFlexiload) since 2010. We do update our software upon our customer’s requirements.
We provide two types of software. One is auto flexiload software and another is manaul flexilaod software.

Working process of Auto Flexiload Software server:
Our providing software works for both offline and online.
For using the online software, then your customer (resellers) can log in your server & put request for flexiload/recharge from anywhere of the world. And then you can finish the recharge process by accepting recharge request only.
You can create category resellers in your server so that they can also do the recharge activity to their own customers.
You can also customize their access area. Such as : One can do only Flexiload, or one can both recharge and mobile banking, etc.
For offline mode, you have to type the number to recharge and that will be done by SMS confirmation.